Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Christians in Sport

So..... Christians in Sport - what's it all about? Well.... the clue is sort of in the name really - it's all about Christians who play sport!
Well actually it's an awful lot more than that! Based in Bicester this truly Champerton organisation look to support Christian sportsmen and women across the UK whilst trying to promote a sense of fair play and Christian values within schools and youth groups. It seems that in order to be a part of CIS you have to agree to a shortening of your surname or that a 'y' or an 'o' is suffixed. So, for example, Colin Wells (who jointly runs the academy with 'Lancs') is known to everyone as 'Wellsy' - I think you get the idea! (He came to stay with us and several times didn't answer when I called him Colin!!)
As I mentioned in my previous post my son Sam is joining the CIS Academy in January for six months. During that time he will be working with teachers and youth leaders to try to promote a different and better attitude to playing sport. Whether they admit it or not a lot of people - especially kids - look to sports personalities as role models in life. The crazy thing is a lot of these role models display a very poor image where integrity and fair play are concerned. You see it every week on Match of the Day - a player gets beaten fairly so he 'has no other option' (really?) but to chop someones legs from under them, or dive in the box in the hope of fooling the ref into giving him a penalty. These so called professionals have a huge responsibility for the attitudes of those view them as heroes - yet all to frequently we see open dissent on pitches throughout the land, with every referee's decision questioned and appalling language to boot - you don't need to be a lip reader to work it out what they are saying either!
I've never been able to understand what satisfaction there is in winning by cheating - whether that's through taking performance enhancing drugs or unfair play (or what is bizarrely referred to as exercising gamesmanship!!).
For me, one of my favourite oxymorons is 'professional foul'! Surely that's just a term used to avoid the embarrassment of having to refer to someone honestly for what they really are - a cheat!
Anyway my prayers will be with Sam and everyone else involved in this Champerton organisation - and I hope your's will be too! - especially that he won't come back as Samo, Panns or Pannelly!!

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