Friday, November 03, 2006

Flying Discs!

It's very humbling when you realise that there's a whole world out there that you didn't even know existed! you and me a Frisbee is a plastic disc that gets dangerously chucked around on the beach by butch looking posers, and usually has a couple of teeth - human or canine - embedded within it - Right? - WRONG! - well... yes - it is that - but it's so much more!

In a routine business conversation with a colleague of mine, he casually mentioned that tomorrow he's off to Perth (one of my most favourite places in Australia) on holiday. Further interrogation revealed that he is going there with a group of other people to take part in the WFDF (that's the World Flying Disc Federation to you and me) World Ultimate Club Championships. Now the clue is in the title - Flying Disc (you can see where this is going can't you?)
Yep - there's a sport out there called 'Ultimate' that I knew nothing about until today. According to the spectators' guide on the web site (Yep - they've got one of those too) it's a non-contact sport that combines elements of football, netball, grid iron and touch football - but most importantly involves a frisbee (or should that be flying disc) and is played on a proper pitch that's 125 yards long! You have to catch the frisbee in your opponent's end zone to score, and catch this (sorry - bad pun)- there are no referees! Now that's Champerton!

It's incredible - there are literally dozens of teams descending on Perth from all over the World! My colleague Jonathan is playing for a Mixed (yes -mixed) team called Thundering Herd.

I've posted a link on this site so that you too can go in and be amazed - and humbled by your hitherto ignorance!

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