Monday, February 26, 2007

Is anybody out there??

Been a while since I put finger to keyboard. Truth is I'm not convinced anyone is actually reading this blog anymore.

No... I'm not feeling sorry for myself - it just seems a bit pointless producing something that, whilst fun to create, is not actually being looked at.

So... I've decided that unless I receive some comments in the next few days I shall probably knock this site on the head!

Over to you chaps!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What a blogtastic idea!

It's always Champerton when you discover something new isn't it?

Well, today I discovered what RSS feeds are! So what are they ( I hear you ask!)

Well, in a nutshell - they are links to news pages which alert you when there has been an update. So - if you have a favourite page like BBC News you can get your computer to let you know the moment that there has been any change on the page! It's great cos you don't have to keep going in to see whether it's changed or not. Champerton!

Even more Champerton is that I've put a link on this blog called 'Subscribe to Bloglines' - an online news reader! It's absolutely free and one of the better known ones available!

Can it get any MORE Champertastic I hear you cry - well - yes actually! I've linked to this blog so, in theory, if you subscribe to Bloglines it will alert you everytime I update my Blog!! How Champertastic is that?

Perhaps I should get out a bit more.....

Monday, January 29, 2007

To boldly go.....

Bonjour tout le monde! I discovered this really Champertastic site yesterday which has taken my blog into a whole new dimension. I am proud to announce that I now have some music on my blog! (Wowwwwwww! says Jimmy Savile)!

OK OK so I know that clever people like my friend Pete have been uploading music for ages but it's a first for me - not only that but there's some great music by Christian bands and musicians - stick with me on this! I know what you're thinking... - isn't that one of the original oxymorons! Well - I'm the first to admit that as someone representing the more senior portion of the demographic curve I can remember the days when Christian music was not only cringingly awful but downright laughable! Ahhh - but how times have changed!

There are now some fab Christian musicians out there producing stuff that definitely holds it own when compared to the mainstream music choices - in fact in a lot of cases it's far better and much more professionally produced. Bands like Delirious (pictured) and Third Day are huge, whilst musicians like Tim Hughes, Matt Redman and Chris Tomlin are producing songs that are inspiring a whole new generation.

Well - here's your chance! I've put a few tracks under the title of 'music' in the right hand menu bar so why not have a listen and see what you've been missing - just click twice on the arrow and turn up the volume! Who knows you might even be blessed by it! Either way - have a Champerton day!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Recycling - a.k.a. going round in circles!

Good afternoon - frustrated of Bicknacre here!

Here I am trying to do my bit to save the planet - but for some reason the Council can't find my waste! Well, that's not strictly true - they find my cardboard recycling sack, and the green box of glass and tins - but they seem to have a blind spot where my plastic bottles are concerned. I'm now up to 4 sacks and counting!

I've now phoned a very nice man at the Boro' twice to report this oversight- and on both occasions he's asked me whether they had taken my paper sack - and on both occasions I've explained that I don't have a paper sack on account of them not taking the paper on a previous occasion cos the paper got wet - and on both occasions he then explains that the contractor is actually looking for a paper sack. Are you with me so far?? Champerton!

So basically - if he can't see a paper sack then he somehow manages to overlook 4 dirty great sacks of plastic bottles! Even his guide dog managed to miss them!

Gale force winds tonight - should be interesting!

Monday, January 01, 2007

A roam in Rome?

Mrs. Pannell left the house quite early today, and turned up about 30 minutes ago casually announcing she had just run 15 miles (as you do on the first day of the year!).
No - she's not mad - as a veteran of the London Marathon, she's now in training for the Rome Marathon- that's right - the one in Italy!
To explain -in one of my previous posts I extolled the virtues of Christians in Sport where Sam is going later this month. Well, it turns out that this is a regular outing for them ( the shortened names brigade -Wellsy, Lancs, Milesy etc - remember?) and for the past couple of years a few of them have run it - and completed it in good times too. As Sam didn't want to be left out he decided to apply - and as he needed someone to help him train - so did Sarah!
And they both got in!! Champerton!
As you can see from the picture it's a pucker event and takes in all the sights and sound of this historic city - I thought they might at least have finished off some of the building work though - that place at the back is in a terrible state! (Philistine!!)
So - it all happens on 18 March 2007 - so watch this space!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Champerton New Year

As the sun sets on another year I thought I should at least try to get in one more addition to my blog!
I'm not sure if anyone actually reads this stuff but at least it keeps me amused and off the streets!
All I really wanted to say though is that I hope you all had a Champerton Christmas and I pray that 2007 brings with it a little more peace for everyone.
On a very significant day for Iraq maybe we should all be thinking of the ordinary Iraqi people, and pray for them at this momentus moment in the life of their nation - that the turning of this page of history will herald peace and calm for that desperately troubled land.
We can at least hope.
God bless you all!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


My friend Philippa (you remember - her with the shoe fetish) is from Leeds.

She's been back a few times recently to visit her parents and to catch up with her many friends. She reports that there is a definite movement within this noble circle to re-instate the use of 'Champerton' in everyday use within the county of Yorkshire. Well that gets a thumbs up from me and Tigger!

Go for it guys - today Yorkshire - tomorrow - THE WORLD (manic laughter!)!!


'Whadda *#&%*@# liberty!'

It's taken a while to throw off the full devastating effect of the Man Cold - but something happened this week that inspired me to get on the old blog soap box once again.
As I was walking to work on Monday (at a very silly time of day) it started to rain. Being a sensible sort of chappie I delved into my rucksack and produced my battered but trusty brolley. Once on the train there isn't really anywhere obvious to store a dripping wet brolley apart from under the seat.
Well - you've guessed it - I left my trusted old friend on the 0605 from Ipswich. Not a very Champerton thing to do you will no doubt agree! Not a problem I thought - the trusted and dutiful staff of 'One' (daft name) Railways will hand it in and I will simply poodle along to Lost Property at Liverpool Street (open from 0700 until 2300 7 days a week) and be re-united with my missing item. Champerton!
Now... the 0605 arrives in London well before 0700 hours so rather than wait I decided to go to work and explore the ins and outs of retrievig said lost item.
Well - let me tell you - I can now understand how they can afford to appoint a 3rd party company to run their lost property office for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week - it was going to cost me £2.00 to get my own property back! Ohh - and that's not all! If you are unlucky enough to leave behind your CD player they'll fleece you for a fiver, your mobile phone will set you back a tenner, and if you part company with your laptop they'll stuff you for 20 quid!! However - under 16's school work, medical items and kiddies toys are exempt - so that's all right then!
As a matter of principle I refuse to pay - which probably means my principles will eventually get me very wet until Santa brings me a replacement (hint hint!).
The charge is apparently to cover ' the cost of retrieval' and is in line with guidelines agreed by all UK train operators - which sounds like a perfect stitch-up to me!
Obviously they have taken a leaf out of the Chancellor's book - because these charges can be described as nothing less than a tax on honesty!!
To mis-quote James Blunt - 'Goodbye my brolley, goodbye my friend....'